Travel Not A One Way Street

Travel Not A One Way Street

In most cases there are several ways to accomplish any task. Travel is certainly not a one-way street when it comes to how you spend that time. One of our favorite places to travel is Hawaii, Yeah, I know that' s a shock. But every time we go, I see people spending their vacation in different ways. For some, getting a hotel in Waikiki and spending those days at the beach is just what the doctor ordered. For others, and this applies to us, they want to spend each day exploring the area and trying new things. The Great thing about visiting Hawaii is that no matter what you want to do they have the right solution. My suggestion to you is to try everything you can. You only have a short time there so why not see what they have to offer. Waikiki has several great restaurants to try. One of our favorites is the Hula Grill right on Waikiki Beach. If you rented a car, take a drive out to Ko' Olina and try Monkeypod Kitchen. The Kalua Pork & Pineapple pizza is one of the best things I' ve ever put in my mouth. We stop here every time we visit. And don' t forget Giovanni' s Shrimp truck on the North Shore and Leonard' s Malasada Truck in Waipahu. I'll wait for the thank you letters to start pouring in. In Hawaii if you go hungry you are doing it all wrong.

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